Fic list
An alphabetical list of selected short and serial fiction, much of it originally presented on my Cohost account.
- Series: assorted short shitposts
- "Do not encourage the hallucination of Jack Black to sing."
- (Not) Guided By Voices
- ...already answered by my shirt
- 1.0ht of rubber ducks
- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- A Ship and a Wife
- Academic Curiosity
- Acid Trap
- Actually, That's Problematic
- Alakazam
- all my Fellow Youths are into snailmechs
- Angel Symbiont Wardroid
- Annoyingly Perfect Hair
- Arcane Geometry
- Asimov-Smith AutoNav Games
- Autonomous Research Assistant
- Aw Diddums, Fighter Ace
- Ballgown
- bang bang
- Beach Landing
- Series: Beautiful Power Self-Love
- Bedroom Furniture
- belongs in a museum
- Big Bad
- Big Heart
- Bit-Bang
- Series: Blackwipe
- Blueprints
- Boogeyman, PI
- Braindub
- Brainscream
- Series: Bramble
- budlo
- Bumper Stickers
- Burning
- Bus Service
- Busdriver Mary
- Butcher of Red Oast
- Series: Callsign: Bitchless
- Series: Callsign: Lifer
- Callsign: Orphan
- can you get that
- Canhead
- Captain Skullface
- capturing the hearts of passers-by
- Carina & the Witch
- Carolina Sigma III
- catamnesis
- Catchphrase
- Caveat Mnemptor
- celebrity
- Celestial Mechanics
- Chain
- Chaos Engineers
- Charmed
- Chasing Midnight
- Chitin Captains
- Choirgirl
- Ciel
- circuit bent
- City Protector Windstar
- Cleared with Legal
- clown mask
- Coffee Angel
- Coming in Hot
- commedia
- Comms
- Conflagrante Delicto
- Consider the Owlbear
- Copypasta
- Corvidae
- Courses
- Covert Language of Flowers
- cracks
- Crash Damage
- Series: Crossjacked
- Cruithne
- Series: Crunchjack
- Cursesmith
- Cutie Blade Protectors
- Series: Cyberwear
- Dead Man's Tongue
- Dedicated Honk Button
- Dehalate
- Series: delenda
- Delta
- Deus In
- Devilmachinery
- Diagnostic Instruments
- Die Sechs Labyrinthe
- Series: Dingo Unit
- Dirk Fridgemeat
- divine punishment
- DnB
- Doctrinal Schism
- Don't Need Therapy, Just Need Hoes
- double oh-shit
- Down these means streets, in the name of the moon—!
- Series: Dragonfly Knight Zephyr
- Dragonpact
- draughtsman
- Dreamship
- Dropclock
- déjà vous
- E-fish-ency! Ba-da-da-ding!
- Eftsonation
- eggs
- Einstein's Fleet
- elder evils
- Equilibrium
- Ermine Black
- Eternity Mage
- EuroDragon
- Expensive Trap
- Facepunch Manoeuvre
- False Elf
- Family Vampire
- Family. Family never changes
- Fashion Crimes
- Series: February Brings the Rain
- Series: Fillet
- Series: First Aid Kittens
- Fleet of Flowers
- Series: Fool
- For the Cause
- For the Vine
- Series: Forestwatch
- Found Family
- Fountain-Water
- Free, With Ship
- From the Bottom
- From the suppressed text "The articles of apostacy of Justicar St-John Deliver-Us-Through-Conflagration"
- Fuckin' outta here, hosers
- Series: Fulcrum
- Galactic Renaissance Faire
- Games of Antiquity
- Series: Gao's Giants
- Series: Get in the Maid Outfit
- Getting Ahead in the Dread Lord's Army
- Series: Gnawtooth
- Goo Too
- Graveyard Shift
- Green Drop
- Greenworld
- Guardian Vermillion
- Guts
- Halfling Tiger Team
- Hanging out on Halloween
- happy birthday
- Hat & Hed
- Haunted
- Heart of Ice
- Series: Heavy Traffic
- Helling
- Series: Hematoma
- Hill of Beans
- History
- Honey
- Honey Badger
- Series: how many seconds in eternity
- How Many Tantrums in Eternity
- I Can Fix Her
- Ice Quinn
- Icebox Hellworld
- Ichthymachinery
- Impervious
- in a fortune cookie factory
- In Dreams
- in love with the voids you do not show
- In the Library, With the Poison
- Series: indecorosa
- Inkfathom
- innocence and experience
- insubordinate
- Interrogation Tactics
- Ishwck
- it takes a village to raise
- Series: Jackie
- Jasper is my Co-Pilot
- Karabas Vang
- Series: Killing the Poet
- Series: Knight of Blue-Winged Sleep
- Series: Kobold Company
- Kosta
- Krakenspawn
- Language of Flowers
- le chercheur
- Leaving the Garden
- less scaly
- Light Entertainment
- Little Black Book
- Live Cargo
- Series: Loadout
- Local Knowledge
- Loop
- Machine Heart
- Series: Mad Mechs
- Series: Magical Essex Girls
- Maintenance
- Series: Malia
- Manual Transmission
- Series: Marked Up
- Mechball
- MechHammer 1 Million
- Megger
- Series: Memento Mori
- Series: Merlynne
- Merope
- Series: Mikki
- Millennials are killing the monster under the bed
- Minion
- Series: Mobile Log Geranium
- Model Village
- Series: Monologues
- moth-soft, distant
- Series: Mysterious Benefactor
- Mystic Justicar Lacuna
- Series: Navy Rose
- Neural Burn
- Niece of Starlight
- No Kind of Rogue
- Noisewyrm
- Nose Art
- Nostalgia
- Of all the Failing Hipster Cocktail Bars in all the World
- OMEL-45
- Series: On Repeat
- Series: on the life cycle of the succubus
- on the practicality of starship ejector seats
- Operation Elder
- Our Secret Place
- paint your smile on your lips
- Parallogica
- Series: Paramanuensis
- Patron
- Series: People Crimes
- Personal
- Pile Bunker Kabedon
- Series: Pilot Princess Soul Defenders
- Place of Honour
- plink!
- Plus One
- Policy
- Polyvarius the Blue and the Chamber of Labour Negotiations
- Series: Poppi
- porpoiseheads
- postwar
- Pressure
- Pretty Sunshine Soldier Cirrus
- Pretty Truth Knight Awakening Inside
- Series: Princess Borzoi
- probably a dracula
- Prompt
- Prototyping
- Psionican Duelling Sword
- Psychopomp
- Pyromancy, Arson, Pyromania
- Quantum Snake
- Series: Queen
- Quid Pro Quo
- Series: Quiesceverse fics
- Quijano
- Radical
- Raid Alerts
- Series: Rainbow Go!!
- Rainworld
- Recreational Neurodata
- Rex Lancer, King of the Pilots
- Series: Roguepunk
- roll the windows down
- Sad Dragon
- Safe Inspection Procedure
- Sarge
- Scripture
- Scumfleet
- Series: Scuttling
- See the Famous Crystal Reefs
- Series: Serval Unit
- Services to the Crown
- Sex Machine
- Series: Sex Pollen
- Series: Sharpe & Hendriks
- Series: Shattered Avalon
- Shear
- Sheriff
- Shiny
- Shipbreakers on the Endless Sea
- Shipless
- Shipping
- Shipsense
- Series: Shithouse Vampire Castle
- Series: Shitty Dates in Fantasyland
- Show of Hands
- Showbiz
- Shy Baby
- Sideways Baron
- Sideways Hell
- Silent Treatment
- sing
- Sirens of the Rockpool
- Skeletons in Closets
- Skull Lantern
- Smiting Talk
- Snake Treats
- so cold and so sweet
- so many guns
- Soft Riz
- Some Assembly Required
- Speaking in Bold
- Special Revisionists
- Spikes
- Spinkle
- Series: Spooky Martian Mindfuckery
- Stakeholder Concerns
- Starship Kitbash
- stealth section
- Stick to the Script
- Series: Stone Eyes
- Series: Stormwrought
- Series: Strategy
- Stuck
- Student Wizard
- Succubus Enrichment Activity
- Sufficiently Intense
- Supplanter Oath, Seventh Son
- Surprise Inspection
- Sweet William
- Szachor
- Take My Hands
- Tangle
- Series: Tapout & Bingley
- Series: Tarragon
- Team Move
- Telepathy Deluxe
- Series: Temptations of Lust Dept.
- Terrible Secret
- Series: Thanatroph
- The Applied Physics of Running Humanoid Machinery
- The Bastard Accursed Rhinoceros
- The Blue Chapel
- The Callsign Fairy
- The Count
- Series: The Fist o' Ribs
- The Further Adventures of Dirk Fridgemeat
- Series: The Head of Empire
- The Honey-Eaters
- the Human Person
- the imperial core
- The Jocelyn Brown
- The Khroneion
- The Last Battle
- Series: The Long Con
- The Mink
- The Nightwolf
- The Old Spacer's Pornbox
- The Ones Who Write Thinkpieces In Omelas About The Nobility of Self-Sacrifice
- Series: The Paladins of Mother Weep-No-More
- Series: The Rhizome
- The Sugarglider
- the year of wizard on the desktop
- The Yellow Cat's Helmet
- Theiss Titillation Theorist
- Third Child
- This, Too, is Yuri 201
- Timezone
- Tin Hat
- Tonic
- Tourmaline
- Tractor
- Series: Troll Bridge
- True Believers
- Two-Faced
- Series: Ultima Crule
- Unfinished Saga Found In A Forest
- Ungulatorr
- Series: Unidad
- Series: Unstoppable Werewolf Instinct
- Utopia
- Series: Vampire Grace
- van Helsing
- Vault of Verain
- Vicious
- Vilify-the-Wicked
- Series: Vivacious Protector Cnidaria
- Wardrobe Malfunction
- Wares
- Warlady
- Series: Warlock of Progress
- Warm Up The Stardrive, She's Going Again
- water and silence
- Series: waterhorse
- Were Trait
- Wet Space
- Whaddup, It's Your Girl, Amateur Polymath
- When Diagnostic Mode (DX) is asserted, the hardware MUST accept DX Query commands,
- White Flag
- Winterlight
- with the fishes
- Wolf King's New Leaf
- Woodland Friends
- Series: Worldlost Wanderer
- you wouldn't like her when she's Heartbreak (angry) Mix
- Series: Zilla!
- ∞7