

Cohost writing prompt: @Making-Up-Adventurers — Unfortunate hero with a cursed weapon they've grown attached to

In the dark, you find a shortsword. It is sharp. It is deadly. It is palpably magical. You take it with you.

It doesn't speak to you, but you know. You know it serves a cosmic purpose. You know that you, in your way, do too, for as long as you bear it. With it, you are mighty. It will never steer you into a battle you cannot win. It will never steer you into a battle where your actions serve the wrong side. You will not fall, while you wield Quijano.

You will find a battle. And when you fling yourself into it, you will realise — always too late — that there never was a sword, only hallucination.

It could be written off as just the unravelling of minds unsuited to the endless, claustrophobic Subcthonian blackness...but it is always called Quijano.