
Wardrobe Malfunction

Cohost writing prompt: @spy-thief-assassin-who — Spy who was given the wrong disguise and is really trying to make it work

"I don't believe we've been introduced, Colonel," the blonde in the shimmering dress murmurs, idly flicking a pearl-handled fan; the Colonel's lip twitches beneath its walrus mustache, eyes making a circuit of the gown, and beyond the gown's borders, that's too openly appraising to be entirely within the limits of propriety.

"Enchanté," the Colonel says, and bends over the proffered hand, lips brushing knuckles in the way that's seen the ladies of the soirée hovering, intrigued by the newcomer's manners and trim figure.

The blonde leans in, whispering mouth shaded by the fan.

"Next time, we check we have the bloody cases the right way round beforehand."

Alice bites the inside of her cheek. "Oh, but you're pulling that off marvellously, Robert, darling," she murmurs back behind her bristly fake facial hair.