
Team Move

Cohost writing prompt: @Making-up-Mech-Pilots — Mech Pilot who really thinks we should figure out a team attack. Everyone else has one!

"Well, you're right; a lot of teams do have one. Let's see, there's Prideforce, who — remind me."

"Queer catgirls."

"Right, right, with the orbital laser pointer synchronised pounce pile-on thing. And there's Spartakoi, and less said about fashy fucking revisionist milhist fetishists the better, but the Molon Labe Finisher is flashy, I'll grant you. And there's Recombinant Gene Squadron X, with The Atta—"

"It's not called The Attack Of The 50-Foot Goo Girl."

"It certainly is on Youtube."

"Fuck Youtube."

"Motion carried! But honestly, the entire squishy wet biomech vibe plus a combiner finishing move, it's — Attack Of The 50-Foot Goo Girl is getting off light, is all I'm saying, you know how people are. Who am I missing?"

"Well, there's the Pilot Princess Soul Defenders—"

"Wasn't their team move 'polycule drama and disband'?"

"No, well, the old team, yes—"

"Look. Look, Elvi. You know I love you. But what kind of mech squad are we?"

"...Stealth infiltrators."

"And we pilot...?"

"...Stealth mechs."

"And if people notice us, the mission has...?"

"Gone fucked on us."

"So our team move is—"

"Get out quiet, I know. I know. Nobody even notices us and we go home and get an early night with a cup of cocoa—"

"Aw, Elvi, cheer up. It doesn't have to be cocoa — I've got a halloween 'slutty Pilot Princess Soul Defender' tutu somewhere...."