
Hanging out on Halloween

Cohost writing prompt: @Making-up-Monsters — Monster who thinks this place is spooky, can't they just go somewhere else?

"I don't wanna!" says Thing-In-The-Dark.

"Oh, that's typical," the butch banshee in the flannel shirt snorts contemptuously. "It's always you, isn't it? Fuck off, if it's too scary for you."

"I'm not scared," Thing-In-The-Dark snivels. "It's liminal."

"Fuck off it's liminal, you don't know what liminal even means—"

"Oh wow, this is so worth it, I'm so glad I came out with you guys," the ghostly hitchhiker says, rolling her eyes.

"The one night of the year that the veil thins enough for you to visit a Walmart, and what do you want to do? Hang out in the parking lot and try to score weed off some scumbag teenagers? That's just fucking sad—"

"Britney's not a scumbag, she's my regular weed guy," Thing-In-The-Dark says pathetically. "I wanna go home!"