
Actually, That's Problematic

Cohost writing prompt: @Making-Up-Adventurers — Adventurer who doesn't think of themselves as a berserker and quite frankly finds it a little insulting. They're passionate

"I want you to understand that you're being problematic," the Snowlander says, scowling, arms crossed under their bearskin cloak.

"I'm — what?" the mage says, startled.

"Problematic. 'Berserker'? That's perjorative language. It's a racist demonisation of my people's traditional ways and our modes of knowledge."

"I didn't — I wasn't — I mean. Your, uh, axes—?"

"I'm a kinesthetic learner," the Snowlander says. "With a neurodivergent special interest. In axe forms."

"You're." The mage blinks, several times. "You're, uh. You're telling me that you. Infodump. By — hitting people. With axes."

The Snowlander manages to keep a straight face for just long enough for the mage to start stammering an apology.