
MechHammer 1 Million

Cohost writing prompt: @Making-up-Mech-Pilots — Mech Pilot who is complaining about their rank ELO

In the prim dullness of the post-scarcity future, MechHammer 1 Million is played as skirmish games composed of full-contact duels between 1:1 scale mechs, each player telepresencing into their army pieces in turn from the comfort of tournament aerostats overhead.

"This is bullshit," Marisa whines, over the season's opening bracket announcement. "Have you seen this? GamesFab are just back on their bullshit because they won't stop jacking off over the Spaceknights for fashy fucking lore excuses. And the organisers are biased against me because they're mates with Gavin and he threw a tantrum about losing to me and whined all year since last tournament that Skurvions are OP. And—"

"Have you tried winning more games, Marisa?" Ambergris says tolerantly, HUD up, making last-minute lore-errata tweaks to their units' decals.