

Cohost writing prompt: @make-up-a-starship-pilot — Starship pilot who sprung a leak

Some things you don't wholly trust to software. A bank of pipes loops into the bridge, with pure-mechanical pressure gauges and a set of fancy pure-mechanical alarms that trip and strike a bell if the pipe pressure changes too fast. It's one of those little things that's ancient, unchanging, standard, but sufficiently esoteric that if you go to buy one, it's still listed as a selling point that the bells are tuned to different notes, so that experienced crew know not just that something's fucked, but what, with just a single chime.

Something over Dina's head goes ping, right before a bunch of alerts queue up in her systray.

"What the heck," she says, already clicking Intercom general call. "Patsy. Hey, Patsy."

There's a long silence, enough to make her start frowning in earnest, and then the intercom crackles, and Patsy says, voice strained, "Captain."

"Some kind of problem with the sewage line," Dina says.

Patsy makes a noise like someone inhaling carefully and very reluctantly.

"Yep," she says.