
The Ones Who Write Thinkpieces In Omelas About The Nobility of Self-Sacrifice

Cohost writing prompt: @Making-up-Magical-Girls — Magical Boy Who Has A Monstrous Transformation Sequence

Content notices for: body horror, serious injury.

The boy bends helplessly, like a drawn bow, with the beginnings of a low whimper. First a smooth enough movement, to the limit you'd usually see a person flex backward, and then a sudden jerk further to a point you'd see from a hypermobile child incited to do party tricks that nobody will warn them for years yet are irreparably wearing out their joints.

The third flex is violent, and both visibly and audibly snaps his spine, folding him backward and sending him to the floor in an inhuman heap.

And that's the start.

The noises are the worst, as his skeleton shatters itself piece by piece, and the fragments crawl around inside his flesh, audibly, wetly burrowing, like a geometric puzzle challenging you to rearrange these tiles from a 5 by 5 square to fill a 6 by 5 rectangle! — rebuilt into a figure that's taller, slightly wider in the shoulder, more graceful at the hip, slim and elegant as a bird. A gust of knifelike wind slams through from nowhere, leaving him clad in the faded, ragged elegance of an eons-dead dynasty, a cloak of midnight stars dropping liquidly from heaven to drape around his shoulders.

Even the froth of blood on his lip is restrained, tasteful. If a rivulet runs down his numinous chin, it's subtle-slow, a detail worthy of dreamy closeup, barely connected to the base and earthly body smashed apart to reveal him. The Space Prince smiles, cold and careless. "For justice!" he says. "I uphold the ancient law of Space!"

Monarchy is a bad system, people agree. But who doesn't love it when a Prince of Space skewers something ugly-looking with his rapier of starlight?