
Monologues — Spacelord Starstrider Negultimata

Cohost writing prompt: @Making-Up-A-Villain — Villain who wants their story to live on in the constellations

"In the skies of my home planet, like yours, the stars are visible! And like your world, my people have gazed to space since time before knowledge, and seen, in the sky's random patterns, shapes."

The blurry smartphone footage, of the self-styled Spacelord standing atop a Pizza Hut like a classical sculpture, a crumpled SUV resting on his casual uplifted palm like a thunderbolt, judders along with the crowd's panic.

"I reject the superstition, but I appreciate the aesthetic of the sky-gaze. And so, in place of ancient figures of supernature, of myths and whispered primeval terrors, I give the people of modernity new shapes to gaze upon, new and founded terrors — gods in practice, not only name! I reshape the skies! I give them — myself!"

The small smudge of blown-out pixels extends his arms to the sides, showmanlike — SUV and all, like it weighs nothing. At the quality of this footage, it looks like he's T-posing.

"Rejoice and cease resistance! Your sun's erasure will unravel the ancient constellation of the Stonegod, smoothing the brow of my sky's eventual depiction of the face of true and real powerNegultimaaaaaaaa—"

With an abrupt blue flash, the SUV in his hand snaps sideways into the side of his head, launching him off the roof in a ragdoll spin.

The footage pauses, and the silhouette cutout of someone obstructing the projector precedes the deputy director of the MIB as she walks to the front of the conference room, presentation remote in one hand, coffee in the other.

"You should all have a briefing folder in front of you," she says. "So. This fucking guy—"