
Monologues — Thresher

Cohost writing prompt: @Making-Up-A-Villain — Villain who likes their shark teeth

I mean, yeah, after there was a biosplice clinic in downtown Literally Everywhere, they got a bit mall katana, if you know what I mean. It's not always a great feeling being lumped in with The Kind Of Guy Who.

But sharks, c'mon, you gotta respect sharks.

And doesn't modern life feel impoverished sometimes? Like, Big Religion has left great bruised bootprints on history, but people have this space in them, for interconnectedness? And I don't wanna sound like a white guy who smoked a ton of weed one time and read the back of cereal packet full of Native "facts" made up by his great-grandpappy's generation while they were, you know, residential schools, but sometimes you look at a big predator species and go, that feels like a truth, like an eidolon, something pure and fundamental and alive in the same way you feel alive, right?

So you take your space for interconnectedness and one of the things you put in it is this animal, right, or the ideal of this animal, and go: that's like me. I'm like that. I feel a kinship. The things this symbolises, I want to be like, I want to inhabit, I want to embody, I want to extol.

I am shark, hear me roar.

What am I in for? Oh. Knocked over a liquor store, I guess.