
Monologues — Anaesthesia

Cohost writing prompt: @Making-Up-A-Villain — Villain who is so so so eepy

"I'm tired. Aren't you all tired, too?"

The airship, with its dangling dish antenna, projected cartoon hypno-spiral slowly swirling inside it, floats over the city. Thousands of people call in sick, saying they're being affected by the Sleep Inducer.

"Well, if the world won't let me go for a goddamn afternoon nap—"

With the city ground to a halt and stock marketeers screaming about lost productivity, Special Forces paratroopers dosed on amphetamines storm the airborne platform.

"—I'll just have to take you all with me."

The operation's eventual postmortem clearly spells out the total lack of mad science equipment on board, the purely cosmetic nature of both dish and spiral, and the fact the entire message seems to have been prerecorded; the airship on autopilot, nobody aboard since takeoff.

Prankster? Villain? Guerilla humanist? Anaesthesia remains at large.